As of 2023, Amazon’s store contains over 32.8 million published titles, 52.44% are in the English language. Only ten books sold more than a million copies last year, and fewer than five hundred sold more than one hundred thousand. The vast majority sell only a few dozen. Publishers historically promote books having a large guaranteed following such as those written by celebrities.
So how does a new or little known author attract the attention of readers?
That is the question that a group of authors in the Tampa Bay Florida area are asking. South Shore Authors was formed to try and answer it.
Starting with a handful of authors that have published two or more books, our small group is tackling the marketing aspect of writing. Together we are exploring ways of making our work known to the reading public without breaking the bank or operating at a loss. This is not an easy task since most authors find self-promotion an arduous task at best and far more difficult than actually writing a book.
South Shore Authors offers a community where published writers can share their good and bad experiences, offer advice, explore new opportunities, and make recommendations.

  • Experienced authors
  • A minimum of two published titles available on Amazon
  • Five or more reviews on at least one book of 4 stars or better
  • A completed Amazon Author Page
  • Submitted at least one short story for inclusion on this website
  • Committed to jointly promoting our published works
  • Meet twice a month
  • Share insights and experience
  • Actively participate in group projects

CONTACT: admin@southshoreauthors.com